

a new season has begun in my life, in the same way that fall has just begun marking the end of physical production and the beginning of rest for the soil, I've found myself beginning to come to new places and different stages than where I've been.

Once upon a time I started this blog to keep friends and family up to date on my travels and excursions, and then the blog was put to rest as I settled back down, and began learning to live in one place.

I've now lived in Denver Colorado for a year and a half, and have begun to understand taking root in a community of people. I've been attending the same church consistently for a year and a half, I've now been dating my girlfriend for just over a year, and I've been playing music consistently in front of audiences and congregations for a over a year now. So I've begun to understand the meaning of investment as well.

And now, in the same way that the trees and plants shed their leaves to prepare for another season of growth and production, the process of combining the wisdom found in hindsight with the discernment needed for the future begins. And I've realized that I could greatly benefit from the processing required in order to write a blog.

So take this as my decision to begin blogging again with the hope to share with you my attempts at growth. Thanks for reading a long...

more to come soon